the art of being
In the Presence of Now
En Hälsoresa med Joy Bohlin and Tot Salomon.
Yoga Meditation Creative Arts Vandring Superfood
Kursgården Ananda ligger vackert i bergen inte långt ifrån den vackra byn Sollier och Puerto Sollier som ligger vid havet.
Kursen hålls på engelska med mäjlighet att översättas till svenska eller spanska om det behövs.
Klicka här för att se bilder https://anandamallorca.com
The hidden splendor is within your heart
"When I accept myself fully as I am, the happiness, which is actually always available, can shine in my mind and I can freely enjoy life as it is" Akasha.
Ett glädjefullt äventyr
Vi upptäcker att vi är mycket mer än vi anar. En resa, ett äventyr som börjar i vårt inre och därigenom förändrar vår värld, våra relationer och vårt sätt att kommunicera med oss själv och andra.
Vi kan kalla det större Livet, Medvetenhet eller Gud, det som passar oss bäst.
Tacksamhet, glädje och kreativitet kommer av sig själv genom meditationen och den inre positiva dialogen. Vi förändrar konflikter till ärliga samtal som lär oss att reflektera istället för att reagera.Känslan att vara separerad, rädd och otrygg försvinner mer och mer när det inre rummet växer av meditationen och kontemplationen.
A most joyous adventure
The retreat is about embracing and accepting ourselves as we are. We may find out that we are much more than what we for thousands of years have believed ourselves to be. An exciting journey, an adventure that begins from within and thereby changes our outer world, our relationships and our way of communicating with ourselves and others.
Yoga, Meditation strengthens our confidence and as we practice non-violent communication from our true essence, peaceful, loving relationships are created and inspire joy and happiness in the present. Our dreams of finding harmony, peace, and sustaining love have truly never been anywhere else than inside us, We just forgot our true essence, our own divinity.
That power is usually tucked away because it has been repressed for thousands of years by religion and cultural behavior and other dogmatic, dualistic and separating beliefs. Getting to know this inner power is simply an experience of coming home and find confidence in the individualized God-power within us.
God is not a force outside of us that decides upon us. This idea has made us incapable and inhibited us from believing in ourselves. Instead, we focus on the experience of the greater within ourselves that is in harmony with all that is created. We can call the greater Life, Consciousness or God, what suits you best.
By finding stillness through meditation (we use different ways of meditating) in silence, guided, in motion, in an artistic expression) we build a bridge to our interior. Inner communication becomes more peaceful and quiet, thoughts do not fly uncontrollably, thereby communicating with others less colored by confusion, selfishness, and fear. Gratitude, joy, and creativity come by themselves through meditation and inner positive dialogue.
We can turn conflicts into honest conversations that teach us to reflect and learn rather than react.
The feeling of being separated, afraid and insecure is disappearing more and more
as the inner space grows from meditation and contemplation.
It will truly be an uplifting, fun and wonderful Retreat!
Välkommen/ introduktion 15-17
Middag 19
kvällsmeditation 20.30
Morgonpasset 7.30-9.15
frukost 9.30
Förmiddagspasset 11.15-12.45
Eftermiddags-passet 16.00-18
Middag 18
kvällsmeditation 20.30
Morgonpasset 7.30-9.15
frukost . 9.30
avslutning . 11-13
Alla tider är ca tider och kan ändras.
Mobiler stängs av och läggs undan under helgen. Vi använder dem bara i nödfall.
Hjärtligt Välkommen!
Welcome / Introduction 17-19
Dinner 19
evening meditation 20.30
Morning pass 7.30-9.15
breakfast 9.30
Morning Pass 11.15-12.45
Lunch 13
Afternoon pass 16.00-18
Dinner 18
evening meditation 20.30
Morning pass 7.30-9.15
breakfast. 9.30
termination. 11-13
All times are approximate times and are subject to change. Mobiles are turned off and put away during the retreat. We only use them in an emergency.
A very warm welcome!
In this now I am my true self.