Yoga for Seniores & Reduced Mobility

Att lära sig att lära yoga till seniorer på ett medvetet, säkert och positivt sätt är ett växande behov i yogans värld. Med den åldrande befolkningen blir undervisning yoga till seniorer en tillgång för att förstå de fysiska och mentala problemen i detta stora segment av befolkningen. Kursen är avsedd för alla yrkesverksamma som arbetar med seniorer och / eller personer med någon typ av begränsning, lärare och yoga studenter som vill ha en kompletterande utbildning och alla som vill bidra till befolkningens allmänna välbefinnande. Det finns ingen anledning att ha någon tidigare träning i yoga. Lusten att undervisa och bidra till samhället är mer än tillräckligt med skäl för att utföra denna träning.

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Learning to teach yoga to seniors in a conscious, safe and positive way is a growing need in the world of yoga.
With the aging population, teaching yoga to seniors becomes an asset to understanding the physical and mental problems of this large segment of the population.
This course is intended for all professionals working with seniors and / or people with some type of limitation, teachers and yoga students who want to have a complementary training and all those who want to contribute to the general well-being of the population.
There is no need to have any previous training in yoga. The desire to teach and contribute to the community are more than enough reasons to do this training.

  • Teachers Training for Seniors has a total of 40 hours, divided into two modules.
  • This training enables and certifies people to teach Kundalini Yoga for Seniors or people with reduced mobility.

1st module - 5th and 6th October 2019

2nd module - 9th and 10th November 2019 

Price of training:
· Course fees with 2 modules: € 420 + VAT.

Payment conditions:
· 50% upon registration;

  • 50% in the first module;
  • The payment of the fees is made by bank transfer until the day before the first module;

The themes to be addressed in training are:

  • Ethics and methodology of training Eterno Sol Yoga;
  • Kundalini Yoga for Seniors and people with challenges of mobility and health;
  • Yoga postures, breathing exercises, meditation, mantras and relaxation for seniors;
  • Yoga on the ground and chairs;
  • The role of the teacher;
  • How to teach a yoga class for seniors;
  • Examples of classes for different medical conditions, such as cardio-vascular problems, osteoporosis, depression, diabetes, among others;
  • Marketing in yoga for seniors.

For accommodation and food please contact

Main goals of Senior Yoga

  • Promote health;
  • Develop a sense of well-being;
  • Attenuate the state of tension and anxiety;
  • Promote emotional stability;
  • Strengthen self-esteem and self-control;
  • Increase attention and concentration;
  • Promote overall movement improving;
  • Improve muscle tone and balance;
  • Strengthen joint mobility and muscle;
  • Increase cardiovascular endurance;
  • Reduce joint stiffness and muscle;
  • Improve body posture;
  • Avoid isolation;
  • Promote sharing with peers.
